It is one of the oldest and best-known spices, indispensable for soups, broths, stews, sauces, smoked meats, fried dishes, jellies and more. Bay leaves are used to make marinades and to pickle sauerkraut.
It is one of the oldest and best-known spices, indispensable for soups, broths, stews, sauces, smoked meats, fried dishes, jellies and more. Bay leaves are used to make marinades and to pickle sauerkraut.
Did you know that ...
* bay leaves added to flour containers repel grain weevils
* bay leaves can be placed in rice cookers to make them smell fragrant, as well as hanging sprigs to freshen the air
* placing bay leaves in cupboards, drawers, etc. is effective in repelling cockroaches
* the bay oil obtained from bay laurels is used in the cosmetics industry, in the manufacture of colognes and perfumes.
* laurel leaves have been used to flavour the water used to wash hands during festivals
* the Latin word 'laurel' means laurel tree, laurel wreath, as well as triumph and victory; 'nobilius' means famous and noble
Laurel leaves were also once used to realise dreams....
Write the wish on a piece of paper, fold the piece of paper into thirds, add 3 bay leaves, fold the paper into thirds again and place the sachet in a dark place; when the wish comes true, burn the sachet ...
Ingredients: bay leaves 100%.
Packing: 70g