Ayurvedic powder to support cardiovascular health. Helps restore health after heart attacks and strokes, lowers cholesterol, clears blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, improves heart function, helps normalize high blood pressure, reduces stress, nervousness.
According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, Arjuna (botanical name: Terminalia arjuna) has been used since 2500 AD. Pr. Kr. Arjuna powder is rich in saponins, natural antioxidants (flavonoids), gallic acid, phytosterols and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. They are popular for their tonic effects and provide good balancing benefits.
About the bare top (Terminalia arjuna):
In Vedic civilization, heart failure was a sign of deep old age. Today, diseases of the cardiovascular system are extremely important for all of humanity, and mortality from these diseases is growing worldwide.
The main causes of cardiovascular diseases are low mobility, constant stress, being overweight, alcohol and caffeinated beverages, high cholesterol, high levels of salt in the body, high-frequency rays, smoking, and malnutrition.
Arjuna (bare top) - a tree with a light bark, growing up to 20-27 m. altitude, common in the foothills of the Himalayas, Burma, central and southern India.
In Ayurvedic medicine, arjuna has been used for the heart since ancient times. Bagbhata first described the bark of Arjuna as a tonic, also used for the prevention of heart disease, including rheumatism, myocarditis, pericarditis. It has also been used in combination therapy for the treatment of skin diseases and poisonings, as well as as a biliary and heat-reducing agent. The powder of this bark was administered in the presence of internal bleeding, dysentery and diarrhea.
The bark of this tree contains essential oils with disinfectant and antiseptic properties, tannins with anti-inflammatory properties, bioflavonoids, cleansing and neutralizing free radicals, high levels of calcium salts, magnesium aluminum and tannins (pyrocatechol), which strengthen blood vessels. Phytosterols in the bark of a plant are effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels, thus improving the condition of the cardiovascular system. Clinical studies have shown that combination therapy is effective in the treatment of ischemic heart disease, chronic bronchitis, reduces the symptoms of hypertension, tones the heart muscle and lungs, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Arjuna powder has healing and tonic properties. Arjuna balances all three doshas - Kapha, Pita and Vata. Viria (plant energy) is cold. Rasa (primary taste) is sweet and sour. Externally, Arjuna leaves have long been used for wounds and ulcers. The effectiveness of the bark powder has been seen in cases of congestive heart failure and angina (angina). Arjuna powder reduces the symptoms of hypertension, namely dizziness, fatigue, headache and inability to concentrate.
Arjuna powder has a tonic effect in cases such as cirrhosis of the liver, has protective properties for the cardiovascular system, in patients with coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, they help reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the body. Arjuna powder promotes effective heart function and regulates blood pressure. Antioxidant, antibacterial, rejuvenating properties are also noted. Regular use of Arjuna powder after a heart attack greatly reduces the chances of further problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as improves the strength of the heart muscle, reduces angina, stimulates blood flow and increases oxygen flow to the heart, prevents clogging of the coronary arteries.
Method of administration:
For internal use (according to Ayurvedic treatises): 5-10 grams 2-3 times a day with warm water or as directed by an Ayurvedic specialist.
For prophylactic use: once daily, preferably at bedtime, for 3 months. If you have a Kapha constitution, we recommend drinking the powder with honey. If Pita - use mixed with ghi butter (melted butter). If Vata - with milk and ghi butter.
Contraindications: individual intolerance of components. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, diarrhea. It is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic specialist before use.
Exposure to substances in the plant:
involved in the normalization of coronary and cerebral blood flow;
helps to eliminate the occurrence of angina;
helps eliminate grade I heart failure;
helps stabilize heart cell membranes;
helps eliminate myocardial inflammatory processes;
helps reduce arterial pressure;
helps reduce platelet aggregation.
In India, the plant is recommended by Ayurvedic doctors for prophylaxis and complex treatment:
heart attack, stroke, angina;
myocardial dystrophy;
heart failure;
heart rhythm problems;
Ayurvedic herbs for production are grown and processed fresh and are controlled in laboratories in Germany.
Ingredients: 100% Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) bark powder from controlled organic farms.
- −-25%
- −-25%
- −-25%